Sunday Encouragement


If this is your day for rest, like us all you still need encouragement. Be encouraged by the fact, that That God so loves you as you are, but He loves us all too much to leave us, the way we are, He has plans, purpose and destiny for our lives. Any ‘Whosoever can except the invitation John 3 V 16:

Today’s scripture verse of encouragement is: Acts 1 verse 8

“But you will receive power when The Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth.”

This is a promise from Our Lord and Our Friend, that when He was taken up to again resume His place in heaven, The Holy Spirit would come. The Holy Spirit would bring power to our lives, where we don’t need to work out of our own strength only. The Power of The Holy Spirit will be with us.

Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria represents local areas, like Australia or Brazil. I live in a suburb [district] in a local town or city, and in a region of a state. These areas where we live should be our focus, but also grab hold of the bigger picture, to take our witness to wherever we go in the world.

Acts 1 verse 8 Represents Our Lord and Our Friend’s mandate for us personally, that every day of our lives must be spent under it’s authority and purpose.

We are never alone, and He has also promised us His help through The Holy Spirit.

The Book of Acts and all subsequent Christian history, is the story of what Christ Jesus is continuing to do on earth through His Spirit, working with His people either collectively through a church or individually.

Come to the Throne Of Grace and receive the power so we can all be effective witnesses no matter where we are.

Be Blessed Today and Everyday,

From Your Friends at

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