Faith Of Our Forefathers


New year, new start, new commitment, so what a great Hymn to bring to our attention: ‘Not I, but Christ’

V1: ‘Not I, but Christ,’ be honored, loved, exalted;

‘Not I, but Christ,’ be seen, be known, be heard;

‘Not I, but Christ,’ in every look

‘Not I, but Christ,’ in every thought and word.

V2: ‘Not I, but Christ,’ to gently soothe in sorrow;

‘Not I, but Christ,’ to wipe the falling tears;

‘Not I, but Christ,’ to lift the weary burden;

‘Not I, but Christ,’ to hush away all fear.

V3: ‘Not I, but Christ,’ in lowly, silent labor;

‘Not I, but Christ, ‘ in humble earnest toil;

Christ, only Christ ! no show, no ostentation;

Christ, none but Christ, the gatherer of the spoil.

V4; Christ, only Christ, ere long will fill my vision;

Glory excelling, soon, full, I’ll see—

Christ, only Christ, my every wish fulfilling—-

Christ, only Christ, my All in All to be.

New Year, New Purpose, New vision.  Galatians 2 verse 20:

“And I no longer live, but Christ lives in me, The life I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”

Not we, but Christ.

God Bless.

O F J.

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