Scripture Verse Of The Week ‘Philemon 1 Verse 6’

I pray

Philemon 1 Verse 6: {NLT Version}

“And I am praying that you will put into action the generosity that comes from your faith as you understand and experience all things we have in Christ”.

The Apostle Paul, told Philemon that he was praying for him and asking God to help him, put into action generosity that comes from his faith.

He also prayed that his friend would have a deeper understanding and experience of all he had in Jesus Christ.

After all the better we know Christ and the more experienced His blessings, the more we want to share blessing with others.

Turning back to The Book of Acts Chapter 3″ All that we have in Christ Jesus”.

The story in Acts 3. Peter and John, prayed for a crippled man at the temple. The cripple was expecting something, but would have been surprised by the words of Peter, verse 5:

“I don’t have any silver or gold for you{the crippled man} But I’ll give you what I have, In the Name of Jesus the Nazarene get up and walk”.

There is the experience of knowing Jesus.

There is the transformation in our lives that comes from knowing Jesus.

Then there is the knowing, the Knowing of who we are in Christ, and in that knowing we understand that His Grace is sufficient for us, in everything we do, life, work, witness, serving, and being.

2 Corinthians 1 v 9: “My Grace is sufficient for you”.

The pleasure of Knowing Our Lord and Our Friend, more and more as we grow “IN Him”

God Bless.


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