Life As It Should Be


Have you ever felt guilty, unlike and don’t know why,when really according to the world you are holding your own?

We are created by a Holy God and that feeling has been built into us, that we are somehow not good enough, yet we don’t quite know what we’re not good enough for.

We were created to live in the presence of God, but sin [bad habits, stink-en thinking, bad motives etc] all separate us from a Holy God.

Naturally the world assumes that if that’s the case, it’s impossible to live in the presence of God.

It is however God’s one true desire to be in communion with us. So he will make a way for us to dwell in his presence even if we are burdened with likelihood of sin and sinning. After all “All things are possible” to God. {Matthew 19 verse 26}

But the buts [bad buts] The wages of sin are death [eternal separation from God]. {Romans 6 verse 23}

Some people may think that is ok, but God is Love, you take love out of the equation, and not much is left.

But the buts [good buts] God is Rich in Mercy.

God gave us a way back to His eternal presence of whether we are alive or physically dead [can,t die spiritually]

John 3 verse 16

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that *whosoever* believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

*Remember put your name in there, “For God so loved the world {which includes us} that He gave He gave His only Son that {We are a whosoever} …………. believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


SIMPLE PRAYER to ask forgiveness

Dear Lord forgive me for my sins against You.

I deserve to be punished and left out of your presence forever.

I thank you Jesus that you suffered and died for me and rose again that I too may live forever, in your Presence.

I now repent [say sorry and turn from from my wrong doings.the things you never created me for, that separated me from you}

And ask Jesus to be My Lord and Savior. To be always My Lord and My Friend.

He promises never to leave or forsake you. {Hebrews 13 verse 5}

God Bless.


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