Scripture Verse Of The Week ‘Isaiah 9 Verse 6’


Isaiah 9 verse 6:

“For a child will be born for us, and the government will be on His shoulders, He will be named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace”.

What a wonderful time of the year, the world celebrates Christmas, without really knowing what they celebrate. The celebration is about Christ Jesus being born as one of us, so we can be free from the power of sin. The birth is an expression of of God’s love, that Christ Jesus would come down from His throne of Glory, to be clothed in flesh like ours.

Christ Jesus, always existed, in eternity with God The Father and The Holy Spirit. It was Christ Jesus who created us and everything there is {John 1 verse 1 to 5}.

The Creator came to pay the price that separated The Triune God from Their Creation because of sin.

This verse from the Old Testament was a prophecy of His coming in the New Testament. We are given a set of majestic titles that describe His role, He will be.

The Wonderful Counselor;

Sometime in our lives we need counseling. Jesus {Our Lord and Our Friend} is a wonderful Counselor, and by studying The Scripture in particular the Gospels we will see how unfailing He counsels all who come to Him.

Christ Jesus told His disciples in John 14 verse 16: “and I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Counselor to be with you forever”. {The Holy Spirit}

The Mighty God;

Christ Jesus has divine characteristics , divine works are accredited to Him, divine worship is rendered to Him and divine titles are ascribed to Him. He is both God and man.

The Everlasting Father:

This does not mean that Jesus is the first person of the Trinity Jesus is God, but He isn’t the Father or the Holy Spirit. He is the second person of The Trinity. He exercises fatherly care over us as One who perfectly represents The Fathers love for us.

Prince Of Peace:

He processes infinite peace, which he imparts to all who will follow Him. .Philippians $ verse 7:

“and the Peace of God, will surpass every though, will guard your heart and your minds IN CHRIST JESUS”.

This Christmas time let take time to reflect the great love God The Father has for us all, and the great love His Son Christ Jesus wants to impart to us, if we are prepared to repent, accept and follow Him, and the great love The Holy Spirit will bring to our lives, as a promise of Our Lord and Our Friend {Christ Jesus the only begotten Son Of The Father}.

God Bless.

O F j.christmasjoy

4 responses to “Scripture Verse Of The Week ‘Isaiah 9 Verse 6’

    • Thank you so much for wonderful comments, we are honored that you would take the time to read our article and then because you like it to re-blog it. God Bless and have a Happy and Holy Christmas to you and your family OFJ {Old Fellow John}

  1. Hi Di – this post says one word to me: Emmanuel

    God with us!

    And funny I should find this post today because all last month I found clearance “joy” items when I was getting stuff for a birthday party.
    Must be nobody wants Xmas stuff in summer and coffee mugs with joy – shirts – a sign….
    And there are so many other things it could have had (like silent night or ho ho ho)
    Kept showing up.
    Of course we know that is how our Heavenly Father sometimes works –
    And I feel that coming here today to the joy in this post.
    And then! Even more…. I was listening to Matthew earlier this week and it also ties into this post.
    So fun to see these connections and just had to share!
    Peace to you (and joy)

    • Thank you for taking the time to write. that is a wonderful story. The Joy of the Lord is our strength. so is wonderful the here about how His ‘Joy’ touches lives. God Richest Blessing to you and your family OFJ Old Fellow John}

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