Faith In Action ‘Diligence’

“Do not lack diligence, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.” Romans 12 verse 11.

Might be a short verse but it is short and sharp.

Each day we need to remind ourselves of how we should serve the Lord.

Could be called a three-pronged injection of daily vitamins to motivate us to do His work each day.

We need an attitude of diligence. Diligence meaning attentive, conscientious, and industrious.

We need to be fervent in Spirit. Fervent means enthusiastic.

We serve the Lord. Serve meaning from services, the act of helping or serving.

Let us never be short of Diligence, Enthusiasm, Servant hood

A story from John 4 Verse 39: The woman put her faith in Jesus Christ and was converted. Immediately she wanted to share her faith with others, so she went into the village and told the people she had met the Christ. When you consider how little spiritual truth this woman knew, her zeal and witness could put us to shame., and many of the people came out to the well to meet Jesus.

This lady’s enthusiasm for the reality of her experience, made her diligent to spread the Good News.

God Bless


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