Glory Glory Glory Glory To Our King


The New Testament has the Story The transfiguration

It can be found in Matthew 17 verse 1to 8:

The disciples must have been bewildered. V2:

“He was transformed i front of them, and His face shone like the sun. Even His clothes became as white as the light.”

We can see 4 aspects of His Glory here:

The Glory of His person: Our Lord’s glory was not reflected but radiated from within. The change on the outside came from within as He allowed His essential Glory to shine forth.

The Glory of His Kingdom: The presence of Moses and Elijah is significant. Moses represented the Law, and Elijah the Prophets. All of the Law and Prophets point to Christ and are fulfilled in Christ. Not one word of the Old Testament will be unfilled. Just as the three disciples saw Jesus glorified on earth, so God’s people will see Him in His Glorious Kingdom on earth.

The Glory Of The Cross. The disciples needed to learn that suffering and Glory go together. Peter certainly learned the lesson, for in Peter’s first letter {epistle}, peter repeatedly empathizes suffering and glory.

The Glory Of Submission:The Transfiguration was God’s way of teaching the disciples that Jesus is glorified when we deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Him. Jesus proved His Kingdom way, that surrender always leads to Glory.

Our Surrender to His Plans and Purpose for our lives Jeremiah 29 Verse 11, leads us through many shadows of death, but He is always with us. When we stand with Him He is standing in us and His Glory will be revealed in us and through us.

Oh that the world may know, the Glory of His Kingdom.

God Bless.


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