Choices Bring Change



A quote from Isaiah Berlin says, ‘We are doomed to choose and every choice may entail an irreparable loss’. How challenging is that today? Choosing is risky and so are lifestyles. But, living with the consequences of choices can bring us to our knees in despair. There are three biblical characters in particular that come to mind. One was Peter who did choose to deny knowing his Jesus, prior to leaking his life on the cross. He was not in a crowing mind I think?

What a consequence to Peter’s heart and a betrayal, how shameful and scorned by the others he must have felt. Then there is Moses who sure took his time and spirit in taking his place to follow his Lord. Talk about reluctance and fearful trepidation even though the sea was parted for him, what an amazing event on God’s power for his people. When did Moses rejoice or overcome his doubts? The people were free and blessed but still there was grumbling and mumbling into the men’s beards.

But how about that David? Look what he got away with, such unacceptable deeds indeed!! Absolute rewards from the Lord such as murder, adultery and no strings seemingly attached. What a choice and what an effect on the people expecting ‘Godly’ repercussions in righteousness. I don’t get it myself, it clashes with my sense of morality. Sure there were repercussions but David seems to be well favored while the rest of us get punished and so was he eventually but in the meantime, a seduced wife, a son and then a happy chappie by today’s outlook. David sinned heavily, Moses took too long to choose his footsteps and Peter lost his rock and denied his master, not once but three times. Good old God still loved, forgave and accepted them and it is this love that changes our choices and US.



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