Dealing With Difficulties ‘Or what Is A Difficult To Many Happiness’


Psalm 118 verse 24: “This is the day, The Lord has made let us Rejoice and be glad in it.”

Happiness is a choice, we can choose to be happy, or we can choose not to be happy.

Happiness is also an expression of us (People might say there is a happy person).

Sure we go through life and sad and even tragic things happen, but I am sure that anything that has happened hasn’t taken God by surprise.

Happiness based on happenings is apart of life.

Those who know the joy that comes from God don’t need happenings to keep them happy. They know how to develop inner joy, because they know that whatever happens, Our Lord and Our Friend offers hope and promise.

Psalm 126 v 1 Joyful are those who fear the Lord, all who follow His way.

This is not a scary fear, it is a reverent fear that God understands the awesomeness of God. God created us to commune with Him not to fear Him.

Happiness comes from knowing God and be able to live and share this wonderful news about our Lord.

Mathew 6 verse 19 to 20 V19 Don’t collect for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal. v 20 But collect for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves don’t break in and steal.

You will find true happiness if you put eternal riches, above earthly riches.

Happy definition is feeling or showing contentment or pleasure.

Joy definition is a feeling or state of happiness or great pleasure.

Proverbs 13 verse 9 The life of the Godly is full of light and joy.

The light of Godliness brings true happiness.

We are an eternal being created in the image of God, and our happiness should not be in temporal things. Our happiness and joy should reflect the One in whom we live and have our being, Our Lord and Our Friend (Jesus).

May you all be truly blessed on your journey through life. He is always there for us, call out to Him He will answer, because He loves you.

God bless


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