The Bull And Cows Of Bashan


No we are not referring to the fattened calf, such as mentioned in the Prodigal Son. Luke 15 verse 23: “Then bring the fattened calf and slaughter it and let celebrate with a feast.”

That would be a story about the Father heart of God.

We are referring to people as Amos called them in Amos 4 verse1 to 5: The wicked men are called ‘strong bulls of Bashan’. This tells us of the self-confidence, arrogance and strength of those who oppose what belongs to God.

The women were called cows, not a flatering description for a woman. The women were called ‘Cows of Bashan’, a reference to the cattle that grazed on the rich pastures of Bashan. These ladies are sleek, well fed. They are extremely materialistic. They never stop wanting the wantonness of luxury. These woman must have more and more, quietly prepared to oppress others to get what they want.

They share the goals of their husbands, to have a life of comfort and luxury and financial security, but they are all morally and spiritually bankrupt.

We can become so absorbed in our own lives and life styles, there is very little left for God, if there was any mention of God at all. There is a principal in Tithing that 10% of what we earn belongs to God. If we systematically work out 10% and no more, we are only doing what the principle says should be done. Really the fact is God wants 100% of all we have and do, He doesn’t want to take everything. He wants to be everything to us.

How could these people refered to as “strong bulls and cows of Bashan’, just be satisfied with the luxuries and security of this world? They had become servants to their own desires.

There is only one person we should serve that is the God that created us, and everything we have and everything we do belongs to Him. Remembering after all, what we have on this earth is temporal. What we have in Our Lord and Our Friend is eternal.

God Bless.

O F J.

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