Sunday Encouragement

If this is your day for rest, like us all you still need encouragement. Be encouraged today by this wonderful verse from Ephesians 4 Verse 15:

Ephesians 4 Verse 15:“But speaking the truth in love, let us grow in every way into Him Who is the Head—Christ”.

Paul here is quite concerned that Christians not break the unity of the Spirit by agreeing with false doctrine.

The Apostle John echoed this warning in 2 John Verse 6 to 11.

Speaking the truth in love, should always be in our hearts, so we can convey the Gospel message which is never about us, but what Our Lord and Our Friend has done for us.

Speaking the truth in love, makes us sound in faith and doctrine.

Speaking the truth in love embraces Galatians 2 Verse 29:

“If you die with Christ to the elemental forces of this world, why do you live as if you still belong to the world? “

Speaking in love and truth, set the believers apart from the people of world.

Be Blessed Today And Everyday

From Your Friends At My Lord My Friend Ministries

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