Having Our Thoughts Fixed

Having Our Thoughts fixed

Negative thinking tends to lead to more negative thinking. If we focus on how bad the situation is, it will get worse. If we change our focus on one positive thing, ii the situation we are in another will appear.

In our darkest and desperate situation. the darkness will have to leave. if we focus on the light of Our Lord Our Redeemer and Our Friend.

We only have to look to the words of Paul in Philippians; 4 Verse 6 to 8:

Verse 6: Don’t worry about anything

Verse 7: Then you will experience God’s peace.

Verse 8: Tix your thoughts.

Think about those things even in the midst of the darkness we perceive to be in. Think of Praise

Psalm 23 Verse 4:

“Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid for You are close to me”.

Turn to Who is with you in all circumstances, Our Lord said He will never leave us or forsake us Hebrew 13 Verse 5:

Changing what we focus on, knowing Who we are with at all times and following The Apostle Paul’s advice, we will effectively bring changes in our lives and our circumstances.

God Bless


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