From The Heart

Forever grateful

As we are approaching Easter and remembering all that has been accomplished for us by our Lord and Friend, at the cross, the song ‘Forever grateful’ is very much in my heart and thoughts.

I am ‘forever grateful’ that Jesus came ‘to seek and save the lost’. That was me. Although I was a regular church attendee and did as best as I could to be ‘good’, I didn’t fully comprehend how amazing was salvation IN Jesus Christ, the Anointed One.

He took my place, the punishment I deserved because of sin; he took it; the whipping, shame and He died in my place so that I can now have access to the throne of Grace and into the Father’s Presence. I’m forever grateful. Thank You Jesus.

Sozo. ‘Salvation, in the Greek language means – deliverance, safety, preservation, material and temporal deliverance from danger and apprehension, pardon, restoration, healing, wholeness and soundness. What an amazing mighty God is our Lord and Friend.

As I meditate on this gift of salvation Jesus gives to me, my heart overflows with praise and worship to the One Who set me free. The One who daily bears my burdens and loads me with benefits. The One who sticks closer than a brother. My nearest Kinsman. Lover of my soul and Keeper of my heart. The Good Shepherd Who daily leads me beside the still waters, into green pastures and through the valleys. My ever present Help in time of need.

How can I say thanks for all that You’ve done for me? “Present our bodies, a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is our reasonable service of worship”. Romans 12 verse 1 To God be the glory and honor and praise and power and dominion forever and ever. Amen.

Have a blessed Easter, remembering how great His love is always for you.


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