Transformation Continuing

Transformation Continuing

Serving Others.

In the first chapter of the Gospel of Mark, we should learn some important lessons about serving.

To begin with the Son of God came as a servant, we learn that being a servant is the highest of all callings.

We are never more like Our Lord, Our Redeemer and Our Friend than when we serve.

We can see that He shares His authority with His servants. Only those who are under authority have the right to exercise authority.

If we are going to be a servant, we see we must have compassion, compassion for the needs of others.

What a privilege it bis to follow the steps of Our Lord and Our Friend and meet the needs of others by being one of Gods’ compassionate servants.

Galatians 5 Verse 13: “For you are called to freedom, brothers {and Sisters} only don’t use this freedom as an opportunity for the flesh but serve one another through love”.

Psalm 100 Verse 2: “Serve the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs”.

Transformation comes through having a servant heart and be willing to serve The God that loves us dearly, not for any reward but to bring Glory to Him, because of His great love for us.

God Bless


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